oh hey...

I am a user experience designer who wants to be your friend. I love helping people and I love telling stories. Design allows me to combine them. My design intent is to help people follow stories, discover them or help the user tell their own.

Originally from Orlando, Florida, I attended the Georgia Institute of Technology for their design program in 2018. In school I focused on accessibility and interactive product design. Graduating with high honors and a bachelors of science in industrial design in 2022. Beginning a certificate program in user experience design with Google shortly after that I completed in January of 2023.

Having recently completed an internship with Upsetter Studios, I am now looking for full time positions in user experience design as I take my next steps in my design career.

In my free time I host dungeons and dragons games for my friends, see the newest movies, and read.


Georgia Institute of Technology

August 2018 - 2022

Bachelors of Science in Industrial Design - High Honors


Design Intern at Upsetter Studios

June - December 2023

I joined a startup video game studio on their first title Wild Americas. Initially responsible for marketing, I shifted to championing the user interface instead. Designing the HUD, inventory, and menus that the player would use in game. I learned to work within Unreal Engine 5 and even how to implement a UI in the engine.

Progressing into visual design by the end of my internship, I created the visuals and assets the player can now see in the released game! It’s available on Steam now and coming to more platforms soon!

Lab Technician at SCADLab

December 2023 - Present

Following my time at Upsetter Studios, I’ve begun working as a lab technician overseeing a fabrication lab. My responsibilities are to run projects for students and faculty, and advise them along the way. As well as maintaining the machinery and repairing when needed. This has served as an opportunity to improve my prototyping skills as I work directly with specialist tools such as laser cutters and Polyjet 3D printers.

Working at the lab has also helped me improve my communication skills. I am consistently working with students and professors new to 3D printing and laser cutting, and teach them. Meeting them wherever their skill level is, and walking through the process together. Although there are parts of the job I enjoy, I am ultimately looking to apply my design skills and am looking for a role closer to that.

Lab Assistant at Georgia Tech IDREEM Lab

July 2021 - May 2022

As a senior at Georgia Tech, I joined an interdisciplinary team of engineers and researchers working on Sketchtivity. A website designed to help students learn the fundamentals of sketching.

I was initially responsible for organizing the results of over 500 user research tests within Excel. My team then used this data to determine the overall success of our teaching tools. By the end of my time at the lab, I was trusted to prepare user tests and advise on the overall UX of our program.

This role taught me valuable skills working with other disciplines especially on communicating my ideas with teammates coming from fields outside of design.


Google UX Design Specialization

December 2023

Although I had a strong design education, I wanted to expand my skills. Learning through the seven course program created by Google on user experience design.

This program was invaluable to me, even with my background I learned new perspectives and skills that I used all throughout my internship. Lessons on competitive analyses, Gestalt principles, and information architecture and how to utilize them in dynamic designs has been well worth it. Now certified by Google to take on an introductory position in UX design, I'm excited to get to apply these new skills.

Figma for UX Design

May 2023

Learning the basics of Figma using LinkedIn Learning in May 2022, I have since fallen deep into the rabbit hole of Figma. Now in the year 2024, I use it for nearly every project and am capable of creating variables, variants, sticker sheets, even virtually attended their annual convention Config. I am also trained in Adobe Xd which has it's own utility but boy howdy do I love my Figma.

Foundations of Game Design : Core Loops and Goals

June 2022

Making games is a personal pursuit of mine. I received a certificate learning the fundamentals and just kept running. Having since learned how to create games in Unity, Unreal Engine 5 and Pico-8. Participating in Game Maker Tool Kits annual game jam with friends and I even recently completed an internship with a startup game studio!

I love video games because they connect people through stories and fun. A medium with so much creativity, I can express myself in endless ways.

tool kit
  • wire-framing
  • prototyping
  • 3D modeling
  • sketching
  • mockups
  • storyboarding
  • HTML + CSS
  • model making
  • arduino
  • soldering
  • 3D printing
  • user research
what I do in my free time
  • video games
  • digital art
  • writing
  • guitar/ukulele
  • dungeons and dragons
  • reading
favorite books
favorite movies
Beau Gonzalez

ux designer

  • linkedin
  • instagram
  • email
  • behance